The Easter Buildup


It’s was kind of funny watching all of the gringos pack up and leave in just the last couple of days. RVs loaded up en masse and hit the road, determined to get completely out of Mexico before the Easter holiday hit.

I say it was kind of funny, but what I really mean is that it was kind of sad. A lot of the talk I’ve heard has an underlying tone of…I don’t know, entitlement? Elitism? Racism? There seems to be a general feeling of, “How dare they. They come in by the thousands and party all night long, and leave the beach, my beach, a mess.”

It almost sounds as if the North Americans begrudge the Mexicans their holiday. As if the Mexicans haven’t taken the American’s and the Canadian’s feelings into consideration at all. Like, “They didn’t even ask if they could come and take my peace and quiet away for a few days. How rude.”

Here is how a lot of the gringo talk comes across to me, “Mexicans are meant to serve me, not to mingle and party with me. Let them have their fun, but let them do it in their own homes.”

Anyway, those that fled aren’t missed.

Apparently these poofy things are the latest rage. Hang them up and everyone will know you are just one wild and crazy guy.

Apr02-1 Apr02-2 Apr02-3 Apr02-4 Apr02-5

Oh, Michelada, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways.


Sounds weird at first, but when it is hot out, and you are sick of plain old beer, there is nothing better.


Thursday, the beach is starting to get dense.

Apr02-8 Apr02-9 Apr02-10 Apr02-11

Getting better every day. She’s catching most of her waves now.


Lowe spends an hour straight just jumping into ever single wave that comes through—hundreds of them, and then he is wiped out and ready for an ice cream.

Apr02-13 Apr02-14

Practicing for the show.


Trying to keep their skin smooth—younger looking.

Apr02-16 Apr02-17 Apr02-18 Apr02-19 Apr02-20 Apr02-21 Apr02-22 Apr02-23


10 Comments on “The Easter Buildup”

  1. Holy semanas Santa. That beach looks nuts. It’s been super quiet here with all the locals heading to Cabo san Lucas to get wasted.

    I accidently grabbed a michalada sol the other day. Best mistake Ever. You can get them at oxxo.

  2. Ouest is doing great! Maybe Lowe needs a boogie board and some fins. He’s definitely a Mexican, he’s got a white Ford F150. I saw a video on FB the other day about racist, long story short, they aren’t racists, just assholes.

  3. That’s the best part of being in Mexico. I love being at the “locals” beaches because, like you said, the families all come down 3-4 generations deep. Watching the kids with their great-grandparents and grandparents is wonderful. Family is everything. When we go to Cozumel, we stay town the island in a very non-tourist area because the beach is where all the locals go and it makes it more fun. This is going to sound terrible, but the winter Texans are like that too…they come to our town and they act like we are an inconvenience to THEIR time at the coast. The rudeness so many of them display is astounding. We love it when it starts to get hot here and their pansy selves pack up and head north.

    Ouest is doing awesome. Love to see the pics of her surfing. Lowe will be right in the middle of it soon! Paddle hard and enjoy the vibe there. It is such a fun place. Have you met the Mignots yet? Cool family. They own Pacha Mama. You have probably seen their 5yo surfing down towards rocks. He rips.

  4. I will never get tired of the pictures of Ouest on the surf board. She looks like such a natural!

  5. So, what, like the little park you are in has maybe 30 spaces? And all of them emptied out?
    Huge impact, no?
    Almost entirely representative of the many gringo owners and renters in that community….. I don’t think so.

    I know that park, I know that break, I know the people with the little cafe there….. it is a very small sampling of a blanket generalization of the gringos in that town.

    None of the long-termers are bailing, in fact, their businesses thrive on it.


  6. well, I kinda know how those gringos feel. We live at the beach and don’t get an influx during SS (well, to some extent but not like any town near DF) but TBPH (and with the caveat that my son’s novia is chilanga and proves teh stereotype wrong), the chilangos who go on vacation during SS and Xmas have a VERY bad fame even amongst the Mexicans so that might be some of what you’re picking up on. The stereotype of chilango on vacation is violent, demanding, destructive, etc. we left our beach and went to a beach on teh other side of teh peninsula and were surrounded by peninsular locals. they were probably waiting for us to leave too. 🙂

    we had some youths (18 to 20ish) having booming parties, urinating on teh porch of the house we rented, setting stuff on fire, etc. if that had been MY house, i would have been perturbed. as it was i just told them to stop pissing on our porch and eventually they left. shrug. noise comes with the country and doesn’t really bother me too much. here at home my 20ish son had a party while we were gone but palapa still standing so likely no chilangos invited. (ducks and runs) 🙂

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