

Blanco, TX

With our new starter motor in place we rolled into Blanco State Park after dark. A nice quiet place where it actually felt like fall.

Blanco, TX Blanco, TX

This place is very popular in summer, with a clean river to swim in, and even a man-made pool off of the dam.

Blanco, TX

We spotted something called The Buggy Barn on our map and thought it sounded like fun. I convinced the family it was right on Main Street and just a mile and a half away. We were walking up there.

Blanco, TX Blanco, TX

The walk started off nice enough with a stroll through town.

Blanco, TX

But even right in town we were noticing the 5 lanes of tarmac from one side of Main Street to the other.

Blanco, TXBlanco, TX

Turns out Main Street is actually a highway. So for about a mile we walked along the trash strewn shoulder while trucks barreled past us. The enthusiasm for our brisk walk to the Buggy Barn was waning.

Blanco, TX

But then we got there and everyone was happy again. Some family run place with a buggy museum and an Old West town. They seem to provide buggies/wagons for movies, and use the town for a wedding location. We were the only ones there, surprise, and were free to just wander in and out of everything.

Blanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TXBlanco, TX

It was maybe fifty degrees out when we got home in the afternoon, but the kids remained determined to swim in the river. I was freezing, but they swore it felt good when you got in. They lied. I knew I shouldn’t go in, but I can never say no to a challenge from the kids, especially when it’s something as ridiculous as swimming in a freezing cold river. I lasted less than a minute and was pretty sure my heart was going to stop ticking, but at least they couldn’t shame me for not doing it.

Blanco River SwimmingBlanco River SwimmingBlanco, TX


8 Comments on “Blanco”

  1. That’s a nice, small park. and yes, a US highway goes right through town. Still, there are some good restaurants in town, It’s a good example of a small central Texas town.

    1. George, my husband and I are going to be in Texas in March. Would you be interested in conversation about your neck of the woods?

  2. Your daughter has become a “teen-ager” over night! I swear she is two inches taller than the last pictures you showed.

  3. Pat I hope that you are in AZ now and that the old bus didn’t let you down on the way. Can you park it at your Mom’s house or do they have a non RV clause in her neighborhood? Maybe you need head back to that boat of yours that doesn’t need rebuilding. Merry Christmas to you all. Robbie

  4. I’m hoping the same as Robbie, that you made it safely to Grammy’s? Again we related to your highway stroll…..we stayed in Fredericksburg for the Christmas lights at night, chose a camping just 1.5 miles from town, thinking to walk in-NOT! After getting buzzed by trucks & cars in the dark, we turned tail back to the camping & drove in. 🙁
    Happy Holidays & all the best for a fun, adventurous 2022!

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