Bora Sharks


We stayed in Bora Bora a little longer than we first thought we would. We had friends in the bay with us, the kids were having fun swimming and playing Fortnite together, and we were feeling pretty content just sitting here enjoying the view.

Every day there is a group of tour boats gathered in the shallows a few hundred yards away from us (you can see a cluster of them in the picture above). We went over one afternoon to see what they were doing with everyone. We anchored the dinghy a bit away from the group, hopped in the water and swam over. Not sure what they’re feeding the sharks here on Bora Bora, but they sure have them trained well. If I had to guess I’d say the tour guides are feeding the stingrays little bits of fish in order to be able to hold them, and the sharks hang around to pick up the scraps.

I found it kind of amusing that they didn’t even give their tourists any goggles to be able to look at them underwater.

Swim ladder snapped right off as I was climbing up. Of course, it happens right after leaving Tahiti, where it would have been easy to get it repaired or replaced. We can still climb up on this boat, but it is pretty high up off the water.

Loading up the groceries at our favorite dinghy dock.

This is what it looks like when I wake up in Bora Bora for the New York stock market opening bell.

And a few hours later when the sun finally makes its appearance.

Our last night in Bora Bora we moved over to the mooring field out front of the Bora Bora Yacht Club. We’d been planning to go have dinner at Bloody Mary’s but when we called on our way over there we were told they were fully booked. I had no idea there were even that many tourists on the island. The yacht club squeezed us in for what would be our only meal on the island. We’ve been eating out way less than often than we would prefer to be throughout French Polynesia. We definitely aren’t in Mexico any longer.

The next morning, with a light following breeze, we were headed west again, out of French Polynesia for good this time.


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