Caicos Storms


When the swell suddenly came up out of the northwest while we were anchored in Grand Turk, it was clear something was wrong. With SE winds blowing hard and steady for weeks, and nothing but more of the same planned, the swell made us instantly nervous. Combined with the fact that we were on the inside of the reef break, we had to move. We scooted to the deep water on the outside of the break for the night, then first thing in the morning set off in a big rolling swell for South Caicos, once again.

The kids were happy to go check on their rock houses.

These storms aren’t what we want to see, obviously, but they sure are pretty.

This is just a long deserted island we’re anchored out front of. South Caicos island is across the channel the other way, but this island gives us more protection from the weather. It’s a nice shallow, sandy bottom anchorage, perfect for riding out a storm out of the east.

Later on this night we got whacked by what was definitely a top two squall for us. The other being off the coast of Miami just as we were wrapping up our circumnavigation. Our wind instrument is dead, so I don’t know how high the winds got, but for about five minutes in the middle of the night it was absolutely wild. Nothing to be scared of, really, but I sure wouldn’t have liked to have had any reason to go out on deck.

Unfortunately, the beaches on this island are sort of nasty. The conch divers have littered just about every square inch with their dead shells. Not only the beaches, but the water. Makes walking and swimming pretty unenjoyable.

After our little hike the day before, the kids announced they’d like to pack a picnic and head off on their own.

Only rule, don’t go anywhere near those cliffs.

The mighty adventurers return with tales of lizards and thorn bushes.


8 Comments on “Caicos Storms”

  1. What lucky children, to have an entire island as a playground! I imagine many pirates were slain on this adventure!

  2. brown legged little kids! taint notin’ bet’r! Goodonyas…as always,
    Blessings to you and yours,

  3. No cozier feeling that weathering a storm in a secure anchorage in a well-found yacht. Kudos Bumfuzzle. And, a real mile marker for the kids’ growth towards independence. It is a day all of yo will always remember.

  4. I love the look of a stormy grey sky against turquoise water. You’ve captured it well. Glad you’re all still having fun. We’re still having fun following you. -Steve & Lulu

  5. “After our little hike the day before, the kids announced they’d like to pack a picnic and head off on their own.” Oh, yes. I fondly remember the girls doing the same, we were in the Sea. They planned it out, packed up, and then kayaked ashore to spend a few hours. Very cool, thank you, haven’t thought about that in a while. Take care.

  6. I remember your comments on the squall off Miami as stating something like “never seen so much water coming down”.

    Lucky kids you’ve got there.

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