George Town


Somehow the subject of godparents came up the other day. So we asked the kids where they wanted to go if Ali and I died (or left them on the beach and sailed away). Ouest thought about her answer for a while, then made her choice. We asked, “Is that what you want, too, Lowe?” and he said, “I just want to go wherever Ouest is.” Aww.

Leaving through Rudder Cut Cay, one of the few cuts between the Exuma chain of islands, and the open ocean.

It was a rough ride down, on the nose of course, but with worse weather on the way. Fortunately, I had figured out how to bypass the neutral cutoff on the stabilizers. It was still a long day of watching sailboats wallow in the waves.

Entering George Town.

The Chat ‘n’ Chill beach. We thought it’d be fun for the kids, but after a couple trips there they were over it and were happier to spend their days on the deserted beaches just around the corner. The apples don’t fall far from the tree, I suppose.

It’s a long dinghy ride to town and with the non-stop wind it wasn’t one that we wanted to make as a family. Nice to know that when I’m gone the kids watch for me with their binoculars (in true cruiser style).

Ouest, songwriter.

Lowe, cat artist.

I don’t know what came over the kids this night. They started running laps around the boat and thought it was the most fun ever. Ouest quit at 75, but Lowe ran 164 laps before we finally stopped him in the dark.


24 Comments on “George Town”

  1. It looks like your family is having lots of fun as always. Thank you for sharing your family’s adventures.

  2. Hi Pat / Ali, Chat and Chill… been there a couple of times. Over behind hamburger beach is ( or was) a nature trail. Every kind of shrub, termite mound, flowers, etc, was tagged with the name and some had local uses spelled out.

    We have a pix of our daughter in the same tree at the chat and chill. Exact same spot… Just a few years ago. Tried to paste it here.. Wouldn’t take it. No worries.

    One topic of the interesting things thing to see…the ancient stromatolites. Plus here they might meet a bunch of kids who are out cruising… Anyways from there we sailed to conception island, and also Long Island. Lots of turtles..If you want to have an expensive dinner out, stella Maris was pretty good. When we were there, we met a couple who were tagging turtles.. They take kids with them to catch and tag the green sea turtles. Our daughter would dive in on the turtles to get them for tagging. Best marine biology project a kid could have…If you get over there this was neat. It was a few years ago, so I don’t know if they are still doing it.. They were trying to figure out how far they traveled. We need to get back there for the conch salad. Fwiw, georgetown, this is a place you could fly your family into..Get them a room at the peace and plenty and then the kids can use the pool! Have fun.. Very nice pictures. We enjoy them.

    Regards, Walt

    1. Thanks, Walt and Carolyn, for the info. We are in standby mode for a few weeks waiting on transmission repair. But not a bad place to be stuck for a little bit.

  3. We also thought the Chat n Chill was meh! It was really just a bunch of people who have never ventured past the Bahamas wasting their life away there with “activities”.

    Have you been over to February Point yet? Take the dink to the south side of the peninsular and dock at their marina (damaged in last hurricane). Dock for free if eating at the restaurant. Short walk to the wonderful restaurant (decent burgers). Kids can use the pool while you are there. Very nice changing rooms just outside the restaurant.

    Mark and Cindy

    1. Thanks, Mark and Cindy, no haven’t done February Point – will have to check it out. A pool is always fun for a change of scenery.

  4. With kids…all kids…there is magic everyday! Mine are grown (self-absorbed twits! I jest…kinda). I want to go back and do it all over again!! This empty nest thing is for the….(well that would be a little corny, ha).

    Blessings to you and yours,

    don’t blink…it is That fast!!!

  5. Hi Ali, love your stories and photos, thanks for sharing. I am an amateur painter, I would like to paint an oil painting from one of your photos, the “Chat n Chill”. Would it be O.K?
    Horst Hittenberger

  6. Hi Pat and Ali, What is the name on the gemini 200 yards off your starboard bow..second to last picture above, just above ouest’s hand….just curious if we know them…that’s what we have…fun little catamarans… It looks like a 105mc or a 105m but I can’t quite make it out in the pix. Could you ask them if they are on the yahoo group gemini list server and if they ever read anything from some guy named Walt (aka me)…anyways, we have been enjoying the photos.

    If it is a gemini named catsaway, tell them the 3d videos they have on youtube of them sailing are absolutely fantastic! I am interested in what camera they are using, for the 3d vids. I was wondering if you might ask them if you see them. They are likely anchored near you… They are from Canada..Thank you,…

    1. Sorry, we are already gone from George Town. I’m sure the youtube channel you are talking about would answer your question about the camera they use, if asked.

  7. Your kids will say when they are 18 ‘ I Could never have had a better childhood, it would be impossible. ‘.

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