Nine Months Lowe, Twenty-Nine Months Ouest

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O and L

Another month in the books. What to say, what to say. Ouest, you are saying it all now. Driving us batty with your never ending supply of energy and the why’s and the now’s. You don’t like to spend much time playing on your own which is okay I guess considering there will come a day when you’d rather play without us. Mama and I will probably sulk in the corner then wondering why you don’t want to be with us. You have a love hate relationship with Lowe at the moment. You love him when he needs loving. If he is hurt or crying you go to him, hug him, kiss him. But when he just wants to touch you or play with you then you want nothing to do with him.

Lowe, you on the other hand have nothing but a love relationship with your sister. You smile at her all day long. You spin around in our arms kicking and flailing in order to catch a glimpse of her as she runs past. You will do anything you can to get your hands on her. I think watching the relationship between the two of you grow is going to be one of the most rewarding things in my life. This month you’ve become stronger. You don’t feel like a baby so much any more. From sitting flat on your butt you can go to standing up. A couple seconds of balancing and then back on your butt. You stand and move around the room holding one thing after another, but don’t spend a whole lot of time crawling. Your knees are rarely red. Your forehead on the other hand… Let’s just say there have been some bumps. You’re a talkative and incredibly sweet little boy who smiles and laughs easily. You also love your mama dearly. In my weaker moments I might call you a mama’s boy, but really, what could be better than a little boy that loves his mama more than anything else in the whole world?

Viva Mexico my little Mexicanos.


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