Lowe Seven Months, Ouest Twenty-Seven Months

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Lowe and O.Lowe and O.Brother and Sister

Pretty much a blockbuster month for Ouest. I mean seriously, potty training is done. That’s probably the coolest thing you’ve done in your twenty-seven months. Forget walking and talking and all that jazz, peeing and pooping in a toilet is where it’s at. And not even just during the day, even a couple of full nights as well. I’m so proud I feel like telling every stranger on the street.

Your talking continues to come along at a frenetic pace as well. Words are spilling out finally. One of your favorite things to do now is to play the middleman. If I tell you something like, “We’re going home now.” You immediately turn to Mama and say, “Home now” in a tone of voice that implies that she didn’t hear you and I talking at all and that the idea of going home now is entirely yours.

You basically copy everything we do now which is horrifying. It’s also very satisfying to see that we are the two people in charge of shaping who you are. You can see what a good job I’m doing in the first scene of the video.

I think I say something similar every month, but if I could bottle you up and keep you at any age so far this would be the one for me. You’re great and I can’t get enough of you.

Lowe, not such a fantastic month. Though you tried your best to have a great month your teeth just wouldn’t allow it. They are popping up all over the place and you are struggling pretty badly despite Mama’s best efforts. Sleep continues to elude this family for the most part, but Mama the worst. If you read this ten years from now I want you to apologize to her and thank her for not giving you a shot of tequila each night before bed.

Despite the teeth and the lack of solid sleep you are an amazingly adorable little person. In the morning when I first come into your room I just whisper your name and you instantly start spinning around trying to find me. And when you do, you grin from ear to ear. And you love nothing more than simply being close to your sister. If she is nearby she has your full attention. And if she is within reach you are touching her. Not just touching but lunging for her, like a puppy wanting a pat on the head. You’re a pretty darn sweet boy.

So happy birthday to you both. Here’s to us having an exciting month.


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