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Recently Ali and I have switched positions with regards to the kids’ bedtime routines. Ali just wasn’t having much luck with getting Lowe to bed, so I took over, was mean for a night or two, and now we have an amazing little-boy sleeper to go along with our amazing big-girl sleeper.

I have to admit though that I was pretty bummed about giving up my nighttimes with Ouest. We had a nice little routine reading books, hugging, kissing, and singing songs to sleep.

But I’ve come around. Nighttimes with Lowe are pretty fun too. After his bath on the boat we go into his room and I lay him on the bed. He immediately rolls onto his stomach, sticks both arms under his chest, and rubs his face on the blanket—like an adorable little puppy that boy is.

I get his pajamas on while he is like that and then I tell him we’re going to read a book. He scoots right around up onto his butt and sits there in excited anticipation. He actually squeals at the books while he points to the different animal characters. When we’re done I tell him it’s time to turn the light off, he stands up, reaches for the light just above him and we turn it off together. He flops back down onto his stomach again, pushes himself all over the bed for about ten minutes getting comfortable, and is asleep.

We go into his room at 6:30 and he’s out by 7:00. While I’m doing that Ali and Ouest are off at the marina showers. On their way back Ali talks to Ouest about the day, the good fun stuff, the stuff we need to work on, and about what we’re going to do the next day.

So tonight Ali told her that tomorrow she was going to take them both to Lowe’s doctor because he needed to get a shot. Her excitement over this news (that Lowe was getting a shot and she wasn’t) was palpable. Ali also told her that there was going to be a big barbeque party that we would go to where she could have a snack and a drink. Yes, she gets excited over the prospect of a snack and a drink too.

Skipping down the path she cried out, “Me so happy Mama. Me so happy! Two things tomorrow!”

KidsLL SwimmingL UnderwaterO Spy

Look at her—she’s become one of those cruisers we used to rail against, binoculars and all.

Play DohL


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