Roatan Beach Life


This beach bar is overflowing with friendly staff and an owner who insists we use their dinghy dock. It’s not a bad trade off for us—we use the dock, do whatever we’re doing around town, and come back to have a beer and let the kids jump off the top deck a few dozen times.

The kids spend at least a couple of hours a day on this beach, exploring, building, and generally just using their imaginations for fun. It’s always great when we find places that seem to tick all the boxes for them, and this is definitely one of those.

We have really let our varnish go to hell. It’s hard to make the tradeoff between fun time, and time spent making the wood pretty, seem worth it. Looks like a great job to pay for in the offseason.

Some more pretty decent snorkeling. We’re still on the turtle hunt, though. I told the kids first one to spot a turtle gets a candy bar—me included. Ouest immediately turned to Lowe and said, “Let’s be a team and then Papa will have to buy two candy bars.” They are always finding ways to work together and outwit me.

Forever carrying laundry. Fortunately, we found an awesome place on this island that does it with washer and dryer. On Utila our clothes were coming back see-through after the hard hand-scrubbing the nice old lady was giving them.

Another good day in the books.


7 Comments on “Roatan Beach Life”

  1. Well, their advertising works. I’ll be sure to stop at Happy Harry’s if I ever find myself in Roatan, and I’ll tell them I saw them on Bumfuzzle.

    1. Yes just one nice hello and welcome when we first arrived and look, they have repeat customers. I can already see you jumping off the top deck, George!

  2. The natural place to “tick all the boxes” for these kids would seem to be a beach, a new shore to explore. They’re almost analogous to baby turtles, born on the beach and crawled into the sea. Looks very pleasant there and the underwater shots look clean. Rock on.

    1. Spot on, Jon. And the “new shore to explore” is too. They are ready to be off again. They are the best traveling kids – ready before us most places.

  3. Surprised you don’t install a washing machine? Seems you have the 3 main requirements- AC power, unlimited water, and lots of storage space.

    Great pics.

    1. Maybe but haven’t looked into it. Not sure our old generator would be up for it and lots of storage space – is not true. With four living in 42 feet – we are using all the space offered us. We could put one in the shower stall of the forward cabin head but that is about all the space freed up right now, unless we did some cabinet changes etc. Not high on our list right now. We’ve always found laundry places where ever we are. It works.

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