Soda? Why?


Ouest and I were sitting at a taco stand having what are surely some of the most delicious items ever made, taco suaves, when she suddenly sat bolt upright with her arm pointing straight ahead. “Papa, why is that kid having soda?” A mother was lifting a bottle of Coke to the lips of her two-year-old who sat contentedly in her stroller. Ouest was in complete shock. The concept was completely beyond her reasoning. I mean, why? Why would a kid be drinking soda?

“Well Ouest, some mamas don’t know that soda is not good for you.”


“I don’t know baby, they just don’t.”

“Why that mama doesn’t know sodas not good for you? Why? Why?”

“I don’t know Ouest, she just doesn’t know.”

This terrible parental answer managed to quiet the questions, but did nothing to pick her jaw up off of the ground. She just stared wide-eyed as that kid downed the bottle.

In case your eyesight isn’t that great, those are pictures of pigeons walking around Ouest’s room. Yes, we’ve become quite enamored of the little rats with wings.

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9 Comments on “Soda? Why?”

  1. Oh yes. WHY, why, WHY? We had a lot of that especially this week while with family who lives very differently from us. So glad my 9 year old still understands soda is bad news even though many of his friends drink it.

  2. Good for you with the soda. A few months ago, our 2.5 year old son was out for dinner with my parents. My mom asked if he wanted a drink of her pop, so he tried it. He proceeded to spit it out and exclaim “That’s not pop! That’s soda! I don’t like soda, its bad for you!” Score one for good parenting lol.

  3. Sugar is not healthy but corn syrup is particularly nasty and pointless. Have you guys come around for the kids sake? I recall lots of arguments with your readers over your love of McDonalds and fast food. I was always fine with you two eating however you like but surprised that you were able to maintain the lean Paleo diet type bodies. What’s your secret?

  4. I always tell my kids that we can’t control the actions of others and we have no right to judge their choices. I think the long windedness of the answer bores them into silence. You guys look like you’re having an amazing adventure, and giving your kids an invaluable experience.

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