Jean Dry Lake


From Vegas it was just a short drive down to the Jean dry lake. People talk about how much garbage there is in Mexico, or whatever country we happen to be in, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a place so filthy as the first twenty miles of desert outside of Vegas. Fortunately, by the time we hit Jean it was looking better, and aside from a few campers with off-road vehicles we had the place to ourselves.

At least until our friends showed up with their three kids—then the whole place went to hell.

Apr16-1 Apr16-2

Our kids absolutely love dry lake beds, and this is the only reason why. They started to build a house, and I’m fairly certain that if we gave them a week they would have a two-bedroom two-bath rambler.


Two kids…

Apr16-4 Apr16-5

Five kids.

Apr16-6Apr15-13Apr15-14 Apr16-7 Apr16-8 Apr16-9

So much room to roam.




Lowe wasn’t especially amused when she wouldn’t get off his board.

Apr17-3Apr15-1 Apr17-4 Apr17-5 Apr17-6

Our friends happen to be extremely talented videographers. I believe we started out this weekend with plans to get some drone shots, and we somehow ended up with this. Man would it be fun to have videos like this about every month. There are still so many skills that I just don’t have.


42 Comments on “Jean Dry Lake”

  1. That video is such an amazing snapshot!
    What a keeper.
    Someday you’ll watch that and say, we did it right!!

        1. The only problem with this particular drone is that it only works in wide open spaces. If there are overhead wires or if one were to take videos in allies or tight quarters, the inability to control the drone would limit its use.

  2. I have been following your blog for years and wait with anticipation for the next ‘page’. This is my first time commenting and just had to say… I love, love, love this video but then I love reading/seeing everything about the lives of Pat, Ali, Ouest and Lowe!! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful story.

  3. It’s always on my morning wake up. Loving your land travels as much as your sea ones. Cracking video of living life to the full.

    1. I think that you’ve nailed it……… I feel we are “programmed” from most directions to FEAR change, discomfort and the unknown……. Let’s Ride

  4. Evolution. If there is a non-zero chance a suspect noise is a saber tooth tiger ready to end you, it’s in your evolutionary best interest to be irrationally fearful. This before we became the dominant species.
    Seems the bums have secured a part in the nex5 Terminator 5/Mad Max 5 though :).

  5. Just want to thank you for sharing. I’m an older woman now and just wish I could have found someone compatible to live this life that you have built together. And you are highschool sweethearts, too! So damn cute, all of you!

    Nonetheless, I’m not dead yet. I plan to dump this corporate life and go on a walkabout journey myself just as soon as I can. My family thinks I am crazy for going to Mexico by myself already…just wait until they see the rest of the plan when I actually retire!

    I love what you are doing. Keep it up. You are an inspiration to many, including myself. I feel like I know you. If we ever cross paths, it will be a good day for me.

    I will look for you on the trails.

  6. This is positive energy and love for sure. Just spectacularly put together. Love it!!!! Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us!!

  7. Beautiful video! We are hoping to take the steps to make a huge change…just need to gather up the courage to leave our safe life behind. This video was AWESOME! I love the music, too…perfect for your life. Thank you for sharing!!

  8. I bet I’m not the first person to see the aerial shots and think, Wowsers, they got a drone! Okay, I’m probably the only one who would say “wowsers” but having those overhead shots at some of the beautiful locals you’ve visited would be so extra special!

  9. I have so enjoyed watching the kids grow up and what wonderful parents you both are! I especially love the pictures with Grammy. Quest is so serious when she takes her ranger vows. She takes her work so seriously yet still is a kid! Her thirst for knowledge is so evident. Great job

  10. OMG, Pat talks! Now I understand what people felt when they saw the first talkie movie… if we can get Ali to speak.

    You ever hit the east coast I would like to be part of your Bumfuzzle east coast fan club!

  11. That was a great video..I usually don’t watch them because I live in the Mtns with limited net…I can’t stand “buffering”. A 2 minute video takes 15 minutes.
    I saw you with a lighter and a screwdriver over the fire round earlier..Now I know, a log splitter….Who would’a thunk…

  12. I agree with everyone else. Awesome, amazing video, the best post, inspiring, goosebumps, jealous of your life, so proud of you doing what you believe in and the gift you are giving to the kids. You can always go forward, you can never get these times back. Keep going!

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