Try Saying Tzintzuntza


We visited the nearby town of Tzintzuntza today. Taxis are so cheap here that it’s almost a crime not to venture off to the other towns around the lake. We walked around the neighborhoods a bit, where not much was happening. We walked around the market a bit, where not much was happening. And then we hit up the town’s highlights. The Monastery of San Francisco was built shortly after the Spanish showed up. Of course they tore apart the pre-Hispanic city on the hill above to build it. Those ruins were our next stop.

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We love gorditas. They are something you just hardly ever see on the coast for some reason. Here they were making them to order and doing a booming business. Nothing fancy, beans, cheese, and chicharron, but combined with the salsa they were mashing up fresh every few minutes they made my mouth water. I felt sorry for the grilled chicken stand directly across the street.

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Ali and I have been here before, though we didn’t realize it until we arrived in town. Tonight she checked our website to see if we had any pictures of the place. Nope. When I looked at the pictures we had taken today, this was one of only two we took of the ruins. Obviously, all giant stacks of rocks are not created equal—photographically speaking. It’s hard to make them appear anywhere near as impressive as they might really be.


The Jacarandas are in full bloom. Looking out over Lake Pátzcuaro.



5 Comments on “Try Saying Tzintzuntza”

  1. That shot with the jacaranda is EPIC. Whether on a timer or if you handed the camera to a local, it’s awesome. The jacarandas are at their peak here in Maui. This feels like home! 😀

    1. Super similar, actually. I remember the pupusas as having more cheese than a gordita generally has. And the gorditas are usually stuffed a little fuller. But other than that, they are both just little pockets of deliciousness.

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